Nebraska JavaScript Conf
2018 Conference
NEJS Conf is a single day, single track conference dedicated to web development and JavaScript. Speakers from around the world are invited to share wisdom, inspire innovation, and spark conversation. Organizers wanted a theme rooted in math and science, so I proposed open source imagery from the Apollo missions. The logo mark is a command module from the original Saturn V rocket, launching this conference into the future.
Nebraska JavaScript Conf
2018 Conference
NEJS Conf is a single day, single track conference dedicated to web development and JavaScript. Speakers from around the world are invited to share wisdom, inspire innovation, and spark conversation. Organizers wanted a theme rooted in math and science, so I proposed open source imagery from the Apollo missions. The logo mark is a command module from the original Saturn V rocket, launching this conference into the future.

2017 Conference
The 2017 event was held at the historic Scottish Rite Cathedral. With the venue choice, we chose the mystical theme of wizardry. Classic Javascript yellow paired with black gave the brand a mature makeover to match a growing conference. Keeping the imagery minimal, we had more room to show off the stunning venue.
2017 Conference
The 2017 event was held at the historic Scottish Rite Cathedral. With the venue choice, we chose the mystical theme of wizardry. Classic Javascript yellow paired with black gave the brand a mature makeover to match a growing conference. Keeping the imagery minimal, we had more room to show off the stunning venue.